Monday, 13 February 2012

Lifetime Adversity

Researchers found that those who dealt with moderate lifetime adversity maintain...

Researchers found that those who dealt with moderate lifetime adversity maintained a more stable sense of well-being than those who never faced difficult situations...Hmmm, stress away: Health Benefits of Stressow.lyAnxious about last-minute holiday preparations? Worried about all that one-on-one time with the fam? Stress away. read more..

Tell us! What's the one thing that happened in 2011 that you are most grateful f...

Tell us! What's the one thing that happened in 2011 that you are most grateful for? 5 Ways Gratitude is Good for Your Health - Shape Magazinebit.lyWant to feel happier, healthier, and more energetic? Science says the secret is being grateful for what you already have! read more..

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