Monday, 30 April 2012

Expanded Smoke-Free Regulations-Regulatory Changes-City Of Ottawa-Smoking

Expanded smoke-free regulations are now in effect

The City of Ottawa’s expanded smoke-free regulations are now in effect. Smoking is now prohibited on all municipal properties, such as parks and beaches, and on all bar and restaurant patios. These changes are designed to protect non-smokers and children from second-hand smoke, and to reduce smoking rates.Starting today, by-law enforcement officers will provide information and issue courtesy warnings where appropriate.By-law and Regulatory Services and Ottawa Public Health staff are continuing to reach out to all affected restaurants and bars, business groups, community associations, event organizers and users of City facilities. Public awareness strategies will continue throughout the spring and summer to help ensure a smooth transition for the regulatory changes.For more information about the expanded regulations, or for help to quit smoking, please visit or call 3-1-1.If you are a restaurant or bar owner and would like to arrange for training for your serving staff, please e-mail or call the Ottawa Public Health Information Line at 613-580-6744. read more..

Child Development

Growing Up On Track

Parents want the best for their children!  They work very hard to coax a baby’s first smile, steps and words.  But parents often worry about:

  • When children should master each skill
  • How to help their child learn tasks and skills
It is very important for babies and young children to develop and learn the skills they need as they grow up.  Many children need extra help in one or more areas.  IT is easier to correct or catch up on growth and skills when you figure out what your child needs as soon as possible. [[MORE]]How do I know that my child’s growth and development is on track? One tool that you can use to check on your child’s development is the Nipissing District Development Screen (NDDS) for infants and children up to 6 years of age.  This tool is available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese.  It includes:
  • A checklist of skills most children can do at each age
  • Tips on what to do to help children learn
Where can I get this information?The NDDS is free-of-charge for people living in Ontario.  You can receive your copy by: 
  • Ordering copies at
  • Registering at to receive the tool by email
  • Calling the Ottawa Public Health Information Line at 613-580-6744
How does the tool for checking child development work?Parents can use the tool themselves for their child or they can get help from a public health nurse, doctor, child care provider or Early Years Centre.On your own or with help, first answer the 12 to 14 questions about your child’s skills.  If you answer “no” to a question, think about why your child cannot do this skill.  Also, use the tips provided to do what you can to help your child learn.If you have questions about your child’s growth and progress, how to use the NDDS, or where to find help, please call the Ottawa Public Health Information Line at 613-580-6744 | TTY 613-580-9656, visit or your child’s doctor. read more..

Public Opinion Research-Community Engagement-Public Consultation-Advocacy Strategy


This report outlines a proposal for a Renewed Strategy for a Smoke-Free Ottawa, designed to protect children and non-smokers from second-hand smoke (SHS) and to reduce tobacco use.   The proposed strategy includes a significant increase in programming for people who want to quit; new smoke-free regulations to protect people from SHS and a public awareness, community engagement and advocacy strategy designed to make Ottawa a healthier city for all. OPH is recommending to the Ottawa Board of Health (BOH), the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) and City Council that existing smoke-free regulations be amended, beginning this year, to prohibit smoking on: ·         All municipal properties, including parks, playgrounds, beaches, sports fields, fruit and vegetable markets and outdoor areas around City facilities; and ·         Outdoor restaurant and bar patios and terraces.  These initiatives have been developed after extensive public consultation and research and do not require additional funding to enforce or to deliver enhanced services. OPH’s consultations and public opinion research indicate that Ottawa residents strongly support creating more smoke-free spaces. If the recommendations in this report are adopted by Council, Ottawa will join a growing number of municipalities that have made such places smoke-free.  SHS is a known health hazard and studies have found that it can be as toxic outdoors as indoors (1-12). Sadly, every year 1,000 smokers and non-smokers in Ottawa die prematurely of tobacco related illness (13). Smoking and SHS has a financial cost as well, including $2 billion in direct health care costs to the Ontario economy (14). For Ottawa residents, hospitalization costs alone due to smoking-related illnesses are almost $40 million per year (13). The purpose of the proposed regulatory amendments is to reduce public exposure to SHS and the resulting risk of tobacco related chronic illness. The proposed amendments are part of an overall OPH strategy to protect children and non-smokers from SHS exposure, reduce smoking rates, increase tobacco cessation attempts, reduce tobacco use initiation, and improve health outcomes such as reducing heart attacks, respiratory illness and cancer.  The regulations would complement community engagement activities that will advance smoke-free policies in settings such as hospitals and post-secondary campuses, doorways, hotels, motels and bed and breakfast establishments, spectator events, multiple unit dwellings, and outdoor worksites such as construction sites. A phased-in approach for enforcement of the regulatory amendments is recommended. Beginning with awareness raising and warnings, fines would not be levied until three months after the amendments take effect. It is anticipated that there would be a high degree of voluntary compliance and, as a result enforcement is recommended to be predominantly complaint-driven and would not require additional by-law staff or other resources. Enforcement would be accompanied by a parallel strategy that includes a public awareness campaign to inform the public of the regulatory changes and to increase awareness of the health risks of tobacco smoke and the dangers of water-pipe use.Full Report here read more..

Controversial Topic-Dietary Needs

Hey, was wondering how many eggs do you think is ok to eat a week?

I read that eggs are a pretty controversial topic as far as health goes. I can’t really say for sure. I think it all depends on your dietary needs and how active you are. Also, whether you only eat the white’s or not. I’m just going to shoot a number in the dark and say 10. Though to me personally, it seems like a lot… I think it’s a good number. If you eat 2 a day for 5 days, and say you work out those 5 days… it’d work out. It also depends on whether you eat the whole egg or just the whites but I assume the whole egg since you didn’t state otherwise. Hope this helps.Too many eggs risky?
Are (chicken) eggs good or bad for my cholesterol?
Eggs and protein read more..


healthysoul:Just playing. Quick fun extra afternoon flow. I...

[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]renderVideo("video_player_22066074353",'',400,225,',,,,')
healthysoul:Just playing. Quick fun extra afternoon flow. I did the other side after I stopped the video. :)Really nice flow! I love this (: read more..

Jennifer Aniston

Looking for a booty-challenge? We've got butt-firming moves from Jennifer Anisto...

Looking for a booty-challenge? We've got butt-firming moves from Jennifer Aniston's trainer
Get Jennifer Aniston's Buff Backside
SELF Magazine: fashion, beauty, health, sex advice, news read more..

Women's Health Magazine

Trying to figure out what to wear to work tomorrow? Incorporate a scarf to liven...

Trying to figure out what to wear to work tomorrow? Incorporate a scarf to liven up your outfit! Nine ways to wear your scarf:
9 Stylish and Easy Ways to Tie a Scarf | Women's Health Magazine
Knotted, looped, tied, or wrapped--scarves can be worn many different ways. Try these updates the next time you're search for an accessory read more..

They say abs are made in the kitchen...

They say abs are made in the kitchen...

They say abs are made in the kitchen...
Ask the Diet Doctor: The Latest Science on Belly Fat
Surprising new research reveals the best diet to target belly fat. read more..

Did you miss a beat this week? Don't worry -- here are our top health news tips...

Did you miss a beat this week? Don't worry -- here are our top health news tips from this week:
Weekly Health News Roundup -
Find out the latest health news for the week on topics like diet resolve, the elusive G-spot, how to stop a brain freeze and more. read more..

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Reverse Crunches-Bicycle Crunches-Thighs

Hi! Just want to say that I love your blog. I was wondering what your workout is for abs and thighs? I am trying to really tone those areas. Thanks! :)

Hi! Thank you! And thanks for the work out suggestion (hip thrusts), I’ll be doing those later tonight when I work out. For abs, I do bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, cross over crunches, bicycle and reverse bicycle. Sometimes I’ll forearm plank, mason twist, and I’m trying to be able to do flutter kicks because they’re so effective. I also like to do normal crunches holding a 10 lb weight on my chest or for more of a work out including the arms (which is hard), holding the weight behind my head. For Thighs, I don’t really do much. Walking lunges are good, hiking, and doing some of the warrior type poses in yoga burns my thighs a lot. I don’t remember the names of the specific ones, but going from warrior I to warrior II, then resting forearm on top of bent thigh, then leaning backwards into the back leg… Doing those for a while are good. (: read more..

American Heart Association-Smoked Salmon-Heart Disease-Soy Protein-Recipe Idea

5 Heart-Healthy Foods

Blueberries top the list as one of the most powerful disease-fighting foods. That’s because they contain anthocyanins, the antioxidant responsible for their dark blue color. These delicious jewels are packed with fiber, vitamin C, and are available all year long. Boost heart health by adding them into your diet regularly. Here’s how:
1. Top your whole-grain cereal with fresh or frozen blueberries to add delicious flavor, a dose of fiber, and heart-healthy antioxidants.
2. Power up pancakes, waffles, or muffins with fresh, frozen, or dried blueberries for a nutritious breakfast.
3. Eat them plain or mix with other fruit for a low-calorie, high-fiber tasty fruit salad, dessert, or snack.
Recipe idea: Make an irresistible trifle by layering lady fingers, light whipped topping or low-fat pudding, and blueberries. Or puree a batch of berries for a breakfast or dessert sauce.
This cold-water fish is a great source of protein and is also packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. The American Heart Association advises eating salmon and other omega-3 rich foods twice a week for benefits that go beyond heart health. Americans love salmon because it is so versatile, easy to cook, and tastes great.
1. Salmon is easy to prepare on the grill, in the oven or microwave, or on the stovetop. Save leftovers to toss into pasta dishes, make into salmon cakes, add to salads, or mix into dips or spreads.
2. Smoked salmon comes in two varieties. The raw type is commonly used in appetizers and on bagels with cream cheese and capers. The dry smoked type has more of a cooked appearance. You can enjoy it the same way as the raw style, and add it to cooked dishes such as pasta.
3. Salmon cooks in a matter of minutes and its delicate texture quickly absorbs and showcases the flavor of added ingredients. For example, toss chunks of salmon into a chowder of corn and potatoes, or wrap salmon with herbs and chopped onion and tomatoes in parchment or aluminum foil and grill or bake 12 minutes for a satisfying meal.
Recipe idea: Marinate salmon in a lime, onion, garlic, and soy mixture for 15 minutes before grilling for a delicious fish taco or grilled fish sandwich.Soy Protein
This inexpensive, high-quality protein contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals — all the ingredients for a heart-healthy meal. Also, a diet rich in soy protein can lower triglycerides, which help prevent cardiovascular disease and keep your heart strong and healthy. In those with high cholesterol levels,the benefits of soy foods are due to their high levels of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.1. Pack a soy protein bar or a bag of soy nuts for a quick snack during the day.
2. Edamame (the Japanese name for green soybeans) are snacks even kids will love! Find these nutritious nuggets in the freezer section at your supermarket. Boil them, then serve warm in the pod. Pop them out of the pod to eat plain or with a low-fat dip.
3. Tofu, made of soy beans, takes on the flavor of spices and foods you cook with it. Saute cubed tofu with green and red peppers, sliced garlic, and a dash or two of curry powder. Or add tofu to soups for a healthy dose of fat-free protein.
Recipe idea: Soy milk is not just for the lactose-intolerant. Make a nutritious beverage with chocolate soy milk, a banana, and some ice for a delicious smoothie.
Grandma called it roughage and we need plenty of it each day. Oatmeal is one way to get it. Oats are nourishing whole grains and a great source of vitamins, minerals, and cholesterol-lowering fiber. The FDA allows manufacturers of oats to make health claims about the grain on their products, suggesting that a diet high in oats can reduce the risk for heart disease. Research shows oats lower cholesterol levels, keep you regular, and may help prevent certain cancers.
1. A warm bowl of oatmeal fills the belly for hours with its high fiber content. Top it off with fruit (such a read more..

Little Spring Cleaning-Farmers Market

Could you use a little spring cleaning from the inside out? Try adding these Far...

Could you use a little spring cleaning from the inside out? Try adding these Farmers Market favorites to your diet today:
5 Spring Veggies to Fall in Love with Right Now
Spring clean from the inside out with these Farmers' Market-fresh veggies. read more..


Squeeze a week's worth of exercise into a weekend? It is possible! http://on.sel...

Squeeze a week's worth of exercise into a weekend? It is possible!
HootSuite Photos read more..


Sick of foods going bad in your fridge before you even have the chance to eat th...

Sick of foods going bad in your fridge before you even have the chance to eat them?
The Best Ways to Store Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Meats and More!
SELF Magazine: fashion, beauty, health, sex advice, news read more..

Muscle Condition-Rhabdomyolysis-Healthday News-Statins

Rate of Statin-Linked Muscle Woes Unclear, Study Suggests

FRIDAY, April 27 (Healthday News) -- It's been long known that people on high doses of Statins, cholesterol-lowering medications taken by millions of Americans, are at risk for a rare yet serious muscle condition. However, new research suggests that the frequency of the condition, called rhabdomyolysis, is a bit less clear due to confusion with the codes health professionals use to classify and report such problems. read more..

Discover how boosting your mood has never been tastier:

Discover how boosting your mood has never been tastier:

Discover how boosting your mood has never been tastier:
Diet Tips: Eat Foods That Boost your Mood -
Eating the right foods can make you happier and healthier. Discover the best foods to eat for a mood boost read more..

Women's Health Magazine-Suicide Prevention

A friend may be contemplating killing herself, but the warning signs aren't as e...

A friend may be contemplating killing herself, but the warning signs aren't as easy to spot as you might think. These more quiet indications may be cries for help:
Suicide Prevention | Women's Health Magazine
If you suspect that someone you love might commit suicide, go ahead and butt in. Their life might depend on it read more..

Vibrational Quality

While the '90s ushered in "up speak" (a la the ladies of the iconic pop-culture...

While the '90s ushered in "up speak" (a la the ladies of the iconic pop-culture flick Clueless), today's voice du jour is characterized by a creaky, vibrational quality called vocal fry (think: Ke$ha or the Kardashians). Use your voice effectively:
Public Speaking: How to Make Your Voice More Confident | Women's Health...
Give your vocal cords a workout read more..

Women's Health Magazine-Mucous Membranes-Allergy Tips-Watery Eyes

After five minutes outside...Histamine has set your mucous membranes into overdr...

After five minutes outside...Histamine has set your mucous membranes into overdrive—by now you've said hello to sneezing, a runny nose, and watery eyes. Your Body On Allergies:
East Allergy Tips: Your Body On Allergies | Women's Health Magazine
Easy tips to head off an allergy attack early read more..

Mental Stress-Health News-Rough Day

Having a rough day? It's not all in your head. Learn why, plus more health news...

Having a rough day? It's not all in your head. Learn why, plus more Health News you need.
Health News Roundup: Mental Stress Is Harder On Women's Hearts -
According to new research from Penn State's College of Medicine, coping with mental stress may be harder on a woman's heart than a man's. read more..

Women's Health Magazine-Body Exercise-Hell Yeah-Playlist

WEEKEND CHALLENGE! Squat-->Stand. Simple: Yeah. An Intense Total Body Exercise:...

WEEKEND CHALLENGE! Squat-->Stand. Simple: Yeah. An Intense Total Body Exercise: Hell Yeah. Do this sequence 10x when you first wake up in the morning, and your day will be golden! So...ARE YOU IN? read more..

Get. It. On. The Sex Playlist: What's your favorite song to.....

Get. It. On. The Sex Playlist: What's your favorite song to...ya
Get In The Mood Music | Women's Health Magazine
Download these 8 sexy songs and go shake your groove thing under the sheets read more..

Yulia Tymoshenko-Tax Evasion-Ukraine

Trial of Ukraine's Tymoshenko adjourned until May 21

KHARKIV, Ukraine (Reuters) - A court in Ukraine on Saturday adjourned the tax evasion trial of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko until May 21 due to the ill health of the opposition leader who is already in prison on an abuse-of-office conviction condemned by the West. Judge Kostyantyn Sadovsky told the court in the city of Kharkiv it would be impossible to conduct hearings in the absence of Tymoshenko, who says she is suffering from chronic back pain. ... read more..

Red Wine

Do you prefer Red or White? LIKE this post if you're having a glass of vino toni...

Do you prefer Red or White? LIKE this post if you're having a glass of vino tonight. Check out how red wine could help you slim:
HootSuite Photos read more..

Women's Health Magazine-Full Disclosure-Muscle Groups-Body Workout-Trx

Work against gravity to perform moves that activate different muscle groups. How...

Work against gravity to perform moves that activate different muscle groups. How? TRX, a total-body suspension-training workout. Full disclosure: First-timers report that TRX workouts kicked butt. Check it out:
Total Body Workout: TRX | Women's Health Magazine
Sweat like a U.S. Navy SEAL to strengthen your core–and every other part of your body. That's an order! read more..

Gym Mistake

The #1 gym mistake you're making? You're not warming up. (That's how you get inj...

The #1 gym mistake you're making? You're not warming up. (That's how you get injured!)
Your Top 4 Gym Mistakes | Fitbie
Stay injury-free by avoiding these common exercise errors read more..

Lung Transplant Patients-Healthday News-Vitamin D

Vitamin D May Affect Lung Transplant Success

FRIDAY, April 27 (Healthday News) -- Vitamin D is important for the health of lung transplant patients, a new study suggests. read more..

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Flat Belly

Have you completed this month's flat belly tips?

Have you completed this month's Flat Belly tips?
50 Ways to Flatten Your Belly in 2012 -
Try these diet and ab exercises in April for a flatter, leaner belly in 2012 read more..

Women's Health Magazine

Hitting the road this weekend? The coolest gear to bring with you:

Hitting the road this weekend? The coolest gear to bring with you:
Hot Travel Accessories | Women's Health Magazine
You'll be smart and stylish when you hit the road with this travel gear read more..

Healthday News-Mental Health-Car Keys

Taking Away Car Keys Can Be Tough for Older Drivers

FRIDAY, April 27 (Healthday News) -- Driving can be a major factor in elderly people's quality of life, affecting their mental health and overall well-being, an expert says. read more..

American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology-Overestimate Effectiveness-Effectiveness Of The Pill

Women overestimate effectiveness of Pill, condoms
The Birth Control Pill-Sex Appeal
A worker grabs a bundle of new packets as she places condoms onto a packaging belt at Chinese condom manufacturer Safedom's factory in Zhaoyuan

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Many women may think birth control pills and condoms are better at pregnancy prevention than they actually are, a new study suggests. Researchers found that of more than 4,100 women who were seeking birth control, about 45 percent overestimated the effectiveness of the Pill and condoms. They also had too much faith in hormonal birth control patches, vaginal rings and injections, according to findings reported in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. ... read more..

Good Cholesterol Levels-Recent Study-Egg

Start scrambling! A recent study found that people who ate 1 egg per day for 12...

Start scrambling! A recent study found that people who ate 1 Egg per day for 12 weeks saw their good cholesterol levels rise by up to 48%.
The Best Foods for Your Core | Fitbie
Change your diet and make your own meals! These tasty recipes contain superfoods that will control your appetite and satisfy your taste buds—without making you feel bloated read more..

Health News-Depression-Research-Risk

Research shows that working long hours can double your risk for depression. Are...

Research shows that working long hours can double your risk for depression. Are you surprised?Working Long Hours Doubles Depression Odds - Health News - Health.comow.lyWEDNESDAY, January 25, 2012 ( — Working long hours appears to substantially increase a person’s risk of becoming depressed, regardless... read more..

Health Disaster-Office Workers-Healthday News

Being bored at work can be really, really bad for your health!

Being bored at work can be really, really bad for your health! Workers Often Turn to Chocolate, Booze, Study Finds - Health News...ow.lyFRIDAY, Jan. 13 (Healthday News) — Chronic boredom grips one-fourth of office workers, which may affect their quality of work as well as their... read more..

Have you ever had a health disaster? Here's what you must know about the ER!

Have you ever had a health disaster? Here's what you must know about the ER!3 Secrets to Getting Better Care at the ERow.lyKeep a cheat sheet in your wallet: No one likes to visit the ER, but if you have to, here's how to make the experience as painless as possible. read more..

Friday, 27 April 2012

National Infertility Awareness Week-Fertility Treatments-Reproductive Health

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week, which aims to raise awareness...

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week, which aims to raise awareness about the disease of infertility and encourage the public to understand their reproductive health. A look at fertility treatments:
Fertility Treatments: Is IVF Dangerous?
Recent research raised the question. Read this before you visit the fertility clinic. read more..

Health Contributor-Pinterest-Reminder

Reminder: Tune in TODAY at 2:30pm ET for a live chat with Health contributor Amy...

Reminder: Tune in TODAY at 2:30pm ET for a live chat with Health contributor Amy Spencer, author of "Bright Side Up: 100 Ways to be Happier Right Now." Come with all your questions and comments about happiness. You might just get a free copy of the book, too. read more..

Are you guys following our boards on Pinterest? We're loving this new, fun, visu...

Are you guys following our boards on Pinterest? We're loving this new, fun, visual way to bring you the latest on beauty, health, fitness, weight loss and food!HEALTH magazine (goodhealth)ow.lyHEALTH is using Pinterest, an online pinboard to collect and share what inspires you. read more..

Aveeno Baby Lotion

Aveeno baby lotion recall! We use this stuff all the time and thought you should...

Aveeno baby lotion recall! We use this stuff all the time and thought you should know...Maker recalls 2,200 tubes of Aveeno baby lotion - CNN.comwww.cnn.comJohnson & Johnson announced Friday it is voluntarily recalling a single lot of Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Lotion. read more..


Curbing hunger is as easy as piling your plate with this whole grain: http://on....

Curbing hunger is as easy as piling your plate with this whole grain:
20 Superfoods for Weight Loss
It's time for a new slim-down mantra: to weigh less. The right foods help you drop up to read more..

Diet Questions-Nutrition-Food

It's time for our weekly food & nutrition check-in with our Drop 10 Diet RD's Wi...

It's time for our weekly food & nutrition check-in with our Drop 10 Diet RD's Willow & Steph from C&J Nutrition. How are you progressing? They're here LIVE for the next hour. Ask away!
Willow & Steph Answer Drop 10 Diet Questions read more..


TODAY ONLY! Sign up for the Drop 10 Diet, and you'll be entered to win one of 25...

TODAY ONLY! Sign up for the Drop 10 Diet, and you'll be entered to win one of 250 Beach Babe workout DVDs, created by your Drop 10 trainers, Katrina Hodgson and Karena Dawn! Tone It Up read more..

Women's Health Magazine-Respiratory System-Cigarette Smoke-Windpipe-Sweepers

Once in the windpipe, the cigarette smoke temporarily slows your cilia, the tiny...

Once in the windpipe, the cigarette smoke temporarily slows your cilia, the tiny sweepers that work to clear your respiratory system of mucus and invading particles. Your Body On: Smoking...
What Smoking Does to Your Body | Women's Health Magazine
If you think smoking a cigarette on girls' nights out is a harmless vice, think again read more..


Banish cellulite at lunch! Research suggests this super vitamin can help you bl...

Banish cellulite at lunch!
Research suggests this super vitamin can help you blast up to 30% more fat during exercise. Aim for at least 75 milligrams of Vitamin C daily. read more..

National Research Council-Institute Of Medicine-Sugar Tax

The Institute of Medicine and National Research Council is calling for a sugar t...

The Institute of Medicine and National Research Council is calling for a sugar tax on belt-busting drinks. What do you think? A look at other saucy sugar traps:
Sugar Tax: Sneaky Sources of Sugar | Women's Health Food Blog: Get easy...
Alcohol comes with a warning label. Cigarettes are highly taxed. Saturated and trans-saturated fats require special labeling. But we shotgun sugar... read more..

Women's Health Magazine-Web Therapy-Research

Research has found that Web therapy can work just as well as the face-to-face ki...

Research has found that Web therapy can work just as well as the face-to-face kind: Would you ever seek web counseling?
Online Counseling: The Doctor Will Skype You Now | Women's Health Magazine
Mental-health counseling is now conveniently just a click away with online office visits read more..

Federal Health Insurance-Support Medicare-Healthday News-Critical List

Americans Support Medicare Reform, But Not on Their Dime: Poll

THURSDAY, April 26 (Healthday News) -- Medicare, the federal health insurance program for older and disabled Americans, may be hurtling toward the critical list, but most people don't want to pay for needed reforms from their own wallets, a new Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll finds. read more..

Smooth Appearance-Healthday News-Typical Person-Health Tip

Health Tip: Why Is My Aging Skin So Dry?

(Healthday News) -- As the typical person ages, the skin looses its plump, smooth appearance. Ever wonder why? read more..

Weeknights With Giada-Cover Model

Giveaway time! For your shot at 1 of 5 more copies of Weeknights with Giada (our...

Giveaway time! For your shot at 1 of 5 more copies of Weeknights with Giada (our cover model's latest cookbook!), send us your best simple, quick and crowd-pleasing meal for a last-minute weeknight dinner with the in-laws, best buds, or anyone else you might not have been expecting! Enter by emailing First five entries will win! read more..

American Heart Month-Heart Attacks-Heart Health-Health News-Magnets

February is American Heart Month. How much do you know about heart health? Take...

February is American Heart Month. How much do you know about heart health? Take our quiz to find outHow Much Do You Know About Heart Health?ow.lyFor years, heart attacks were thought to be strictly for men. We now know heart trouble doesn't discriminate. In fact, it's the No. 1 cause of... read more..

Are children who are depressed major magnets for bullies? Learn more about the d...

Are children who are depressed major magnets for bullies? Learn more about the dynamics of peersAre Depressed Kids Bully Magnets? - Health News - Health.comow.lyWEDNESDAY, February 8, 2012 ( — Psychologists, not to mention parents, have long observed that kids who seem depressed tend to have... read more..

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Chicken needs 30 minutes in the oven? Perfect! Use that time to get a workout in...

Chicken needs 30 minutes in the oven? Perfect! Use that time to get a workout in...

Chicken needs 30 minutes in the oven? Perfect! Use that time to get a workout in!
Too Busy to Eat Healthy? Five Ways to Make Meals Quick and Easy
SELF Magazine: fashion, beauty, health, sex advice, news read more..


“Kids, at age 12, I weighed 319 pounds. I had bad skin, low self-esteem, and no...

“Kids, at age 12, I weighed 319 pounds. I had bad skin, low self-esteem, and no self-respect. Now, I eat success for breakfast -- with skim milk.” -Tony Perkis from the movie Heavyweights
13 Unforgettable Diet/Fitness Quotes | Fitbie
Hilarious lines from our favorite movies and television shows read more..

Couple Of Minutes

Got an extra couple of minutes before your next meeting? Try one of these workpl...

Got an extra couple of minutes before your next meeting? Try one of these workplace friendly, 5-minute workouts!
Got 5 Minutes? | Fitbie
Weave these strength, cardio, and yoga moves into your workday—without leaving your office or cube read more..

American Academy Of Neurology-American Headache Society-Preventive Medicines-Migraine Sufferers

The number-one migraine mistake you're making:

The number-one migraine mistake you're making:
Health News Roundup: Why Migraine Sufferers Aren't Taking Preventative Meds -
Many migraine sufferers could have fewer, less severe headaches if they took preventive medicines, but as little as 3% of few eligible patients do, say experts from the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society. read more..

Weeknights With Giada-Free Copy-Cookbook

It's that time again-Wanna snag your FREE copy of Giada's latest cookbook, Weekn...

It's that time again-Wanna snag your FREE copy of Giada's latest cookbook, Weeknights With Giada? Of course you do! Just email and tell us what you favorite healthy Italian dish is and be sure to include your mailing address so we can get you started on Giada's recipes asap! It's a race....the first 5 entries win! read more..

Should you have cake on your birthday? Yes! If you like cake, that is. But if yo...

Should you have cake on your birthday? Yes! If you like cake, that is. But if yo...

Should you have cake on your birthday? Yes! If you like cake, that is. But if you're worried about how to make the occasional sweet or salty treat a healthy part of your life, check out some of these tips from weight-loss coach Cynthia Sass:
Should You Eat Cake on Your Birthday?
Yes, our weight-loss coach says. But if you're worried, here are her tips on how to make sweets and other treats a healthy part of your balanced diet. read more..

Department Of Veterans Affairs-Health Hazards Of Smoking-American Cancer Society

Aromatherapy: More Than Just a Pleasant Scent?

WEDNESDAY, April 25 (Healthday News) -- Aromatherapy is beginning to enter the medical mainstream, with groups as diverse as the American Cancer Society and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs touting the use of fragrance as a therapy that can complement traditional health care. read more..

Warnings on Cigarette Packs May Keep Ex-Smokers From Relapse

WEDNESDAY, April 25 (Healthday News) -- Warnings on cigarette packages about the health hazards of smoking can help deter many ex-smokers from lighting up again, a new international study finds. read more..

Do you think Gluten-Free foods are too expensive? Try these easy, delicious reci...

Do you think Gluten-Free foods are too expensive? Try these easy, delicious reci...

Do you think Gluten-Free foods are too expensive? Try these easy, delicious recipes at home and save $$$$
15 Gluten-Free Recipes
gluten-free recipes read more..

Fiber One Cereal-Happy Hump Day-Good Morning-Breakfast

Good morning and happy hump day! What did everyone have for breakfast this a.m.?...

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! What did everyone have for Breakfast this a.m.? We munched on a bowl of Fiber One cereal and some sweet Costa Rican melon!! More most-important-meal-of-the-day ideas here:
The Best Fat-Burning Breakfasts
Eat one of these morning meals, and torch calories all day long. read more..

Benefits Of Breastfeeding

Did you or do you plan on breastfeeding if or when you have children? http://bit...

Did you or do you plan on breastfeeding if or when you have children?
The Perks and Health Benefits of Breastfeeding
7 good reasons to choose boob over bottle. read more..

Women's Health Magazine-Irony

How's this for irony: When you have your period (and the week after), your body...

How's this for irony: When you have your period (and the week after), your body is more like a man's. How to use your hormonal shifts to your advantage—in the gym!
Period Workout: Lifting the Curse | Women's Health Magazine
Your period can surprisingly turbocharge your workout. Learn how to work out harder and smarter during that time of the month read more..

Personality Quiz-Personality Type-Quinoa

If you've tried quinoa and it's not your thing, you can substitute an equal amou...

If you've tried quinoa and it's not your thing, you can substitute an equal amount of one of these whole grains
10 Ways to Customize the Drop 10 Diet (Eat What YOU Love!): Eat Like Me
SELF Magazine: fashion, beauty, health, sex advice, news read more..

Have you taken the workout personality quiz yet?

Have you taken the workout personality quiz yet?
What’s Your Workout Personality Type?
Find out how your personality might affect your exercise style and how you can maximize results. read more..

Temporary Restrictions-Mad Cow Disease-Russia

Russia may answer U.S. mad cow outbreak with limits

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia does not rule out temporary restrictions on meat imports from the United States in response to the first reported U.S. case of mad cow disease in six years, Russia's animal and plant health watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor said. "We consider all options. In a case of serious threat, we will also consider the possibility of imposing restrictions. For now, we do not have enough information to make a decision," Rosselkhoznadzor spokesman Alexei Alekseenko said on Wednesday. U.S. ... read more..

The World Health Organization-Health Officials-Healthday News-Measles

Measles Deaths Falling Worldwide

MONDAY, April 23 (Healthday News) -- Deaths from measles fell 74 percent worldwide between 2000 and 2010, but progress is still short of the World Health Organization's target, health officials reported Monday. read more..


Turn up the heat in the bedroom tonight by snacking on one of these foods that a...

Turn up the heat in the bedroom tonight by snacking on one of these Foods that are proven to boost libido:
25 Superfoods for Better Sex
Turn up the heat in the bedroom with these foods proven to boost libido. read more..

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy-Agriculture Department-Mad Cow Disease-California

Instant View: Mad cow disease found in California

(Reuters) - The U.S. Agriculture Department confirmed on Tuesday that it found a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease, the nation's fourth, in a dairy cow in California. The USDA has begun to notify the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as well as its trading partners, but the finding should not affect U.S. beef exports, said John Clifford, the USDA's chief veterinary officer. COMMENTS: US Meat Export Federation spokesman Joe Schuele: Said they were told that U.S. ... read more..

Carson Kressley-Self Magazine-Ageless Body-Proactive-Foods

Carson Kressley says THIS is the ageless body part you aren't showing off enough...

Carson Kressley says THIS is the ageless body part you aren't showing off enough!
Five on 5 with Carson Kressley
Self Magazine: fashion, beauty, health, sex advice, news read more..

Fight bloat! Be proactive by eating certain flat-belly foods such as these for b...

Fight bloat! Be proactive by eating certain flat-belly Foods such as these for breakfast:
Slim Eating Strategies
No matter how many crunches you do, you won't look or feel your best if you're suffering from bloating—you know, that swollen, gassy, acidy feeling... read more..

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The European Union-Mad Cow Disease-Beef Imports-Bse

EU says no impact on U.S. beef imports from mad cow case

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union's executive said on Wednesday it did not intend to impose any particular measures on imports from the United States following the discovery of the country's first case of mad cow disease or BSE in six years. "The (European) Commission is satisfied that the new BSE case has been confirmed in the framework of the ongoing BSE surveillance system in the United States, which prevented this animal from entering the food chain," EU Commission health spokesman Frederic Vincent said in a statement, referring to bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow ... read more..

Health Authorities-Intense Scrutiny-Mad Cow Disease

Discovery of mad cow in Calif. was stroke of luck

A non-descript building in the heart of California's dairy country has become the focus of intense scrutiny now that mad cow disease has been discovered in a dead dairy cow. read more..

Discovery of mad cow in US was stroke of luck

A nondescript building in the heart of California's dairy country has become the focus of intense scrutiny after mad cow disease was discovered in a dead dairy cow. read more..

New case of mad cow disease in California
Health Authorities-Skin Infection-Skin Disease-Vietnam
Map locates Hanford, California, where mad cow disease has been discovered

The first new case of mad cow disease in the U.S. since 2006 has been discovered in a dairy cow in California, but health authorities said the animal never posed a threat to the nation's food supply. read more..

Veggie Burgers

Has news about pink slime turned you off burgers? Here's our picks for the best...

Has news about pink slime turned you off burgers? Here's our picks for the best and worst burgers for your health.
The Best and Worst Burgers
Burgers are the quintessential summertime food, but not all hamburgers, or even turkey or veggie burgers, are created equal. We rounded up some of... read more..

Metabolic Syndrome-Depression

Reduce your chances of depression and metabolic syndrome by getting 2.5 hours of...

Reduce your chances of depression and metabolic syndrome by getting 2.5 hours of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity a week. It doesn't necessarily have to be daily, but it should be spread out over several days. More health news to know: read more..

Anger Style

How well do you handle heated situations? Discover your anger style with this ar...

How well do you handle heated situations? Discover your anger style with this article:
How Do You Express Anger? -
Your anger style can say a lot about you and affect your health. Here's how to determine how you get mad—and what to do about it. read more..

California Dairy-Mad Cow Disease-Human Threat-Human Health-Tom Vilsack

Mad cow disease found in California; no human threat seen

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. authorities reported the country's first case of mad cow disease in six years on Tuesday, swiftly assuring consumers and global importers that there was no danger of meat from the California dairy cow entering the food chain. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack gave assurances that the finding posed "no risk to the food supply or to human health", a line that seems to have been accepted by major foreign buyers. Fears of a potential backlash among consumers and big importers of U.S. ... read more..

Women's Health Magazine-Actress Anna Faris-Eye Makeup Tips-Face

"The eyes are the nipples of the face." -Actress Anna Faris in "House Bunny." Ey...

"The eyes are the nipples of the Face." -Actress Anna Faris in "House Bunny." Eye makeup tips:
Best Makeup Tips | Women's Health Magazine
The brushes you need, how to sculpt the perfect eyebrow, and the best shadow tricks in the beauty biz read more..

Miss Independent-Women's Health

How independent are you? Please take this survey for an upcoming issue of Women'...

How independent are you? Please take this survey for an upcoming issue of Women's Health:
July/August 2012 Average Woman: Independent Woman Survey
Miss independent! read more..

Women's Health Magazine

Can't make it to the gym today? Try this Do-Anywhere Workout:

Can't make it to the gym today? Try this Do-Anywhere Workout: For the best results, do this total-body routine on three nonconsecutive days a week.
Tone Up Anytime, Anywhere | Women's Health Magazine
For this total-body workout, all you need to get super-fit is your own body read more..

Animal Health Products-Quarterly Profit-Strong Sales

Lilly sales, profit beat forecasts

(Reuters) - Eli Lilly & Co's quarterly profit fell on plunging sales of its Zyprexa schizophrenia drug, but results handily topped Wall Street forecasts, helped by strong sales of anti-depressant Cymbalta and demand for the company's animal health products. The Indianapolis drugmaker said on Wednesday it earned $1.01 billion, or 91 cents per share in the first quarter. That compared with $1.06 billion, or 95 cents per share, in the year-earlier period, when the company took a number of restructuring and research-related charges. Excluding special items, Lilly earned 92 cents per share. ... read more..

Global Climate Change-Lifestyle Change-Vegan

Hey ! For my end of the year final in my writing class I am writing a 20 page paper on the Yogi Lifestyle. Your blog is where a lot of my information is coming from. I wanted to know though, (if you don't mind) why you chose to be vegan, and how your life has changed since you made this lifestyle change. I would be quoting you in my paper if that is okay ? : )

Hey! Aw that is super cool! I am glad that my blog is able to provide you with some information and that you want me to be apart of it (:     Currently I am not full Vegan yet. I’m half-vegan I guess you could say since the only dairy I consume is in Morning Star patties, chocolate, and Ensure when I have them. I will transition to full vegan as soon as I feel I am ready. However, maybe my answer will be still be valid, so lets just say, for the purpose of your paper, that I am full vegan (if that works for you).     I chose this lifestyle for three reasons: For my health, for the animals, and for the planet. Everything that we do impacts not just ourselves but everything around us. Animal farming is the number one cause of global climate change, 99% of all land animals are used for factory farming (in which the the standards for ethical treatment continue to decline), and studies have proven that a vegetarian/vegan lifestyles are healthier for the body.      My life has vastly changed since making these dietary changes. My compassion, love, and respect for animals has grown further than I thought it could. You don’t realize how much love you have for another being until you stop putting it on your plate. It’s effected my body greatly as well. 60% of adults can not digest digest milk and most of them either don’t know it or choose not to make a healthier dietary change. Not consuming dairy has made such a huge impact on my body, especially being lactose intolerant. I can’t even begin to explain how much my digestive system has thanked me for not consuming dairy, and not eating meat has made my body feel “lighter”, more energetic, healthier, and much happier.      I hope this was okay? … and not too much. haha. If you would like anything else, ask away! (: read more..

Whole Foods-Calories

tinystarfish:All calories are NOT created equal.You’ve heard...

tinystarfish:All calories are NOT created equal.You’ve heard “a calorie is a calorie,” meaning your body processes them all the same way regardless of where they come from. But not so fast: 100 calories of chocolate cake are not the same as 100 calories of carrots. As it turns out, your body burns nearly 50% more calories after eating a meal packed with whole foods versus an equivalent meal made of processed fare, according to a 2010 study published in the health journal Food & Nutrition Research.During manufacturing, processed foods are broken down and stripped of many nutrients, making it easier for the body to digest them. On the other hand, whole foods, such as multigrain bread, apples or zucchini, contain good-for-you nutrients like fiber that the body has to work overtime to break down, temporarily boosting metabolism. Plus, “eating smarter calories via foods packed with filling fiber or satisfying protein, like a chicken breast instead of potato chips, will help you naturally eat less over time.”
Read more: Calorie Count: 8 Calorie-Burning Myths Debunked read more..

Curative Properties-Type Of Bacteria-Manuka Honey-Honey Bees

Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientists Throw At It

Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientists Throw At It: flowerfood:theafroqueerizedbeekeeper: Bees feeding off tea trees native to New Zealand, produce a type of honey that’s known as “Jelly Bush Honey” in Australia and “Manuka Honey” in New Zealand. Now, scientists at the University of Sydney’s School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences have found this particular type of honey has some amazing curative properties.Until now, Manuka Honey has been sold in health food stores as a natural medicine. That is probably about to change. New research has shown the honey kills every type of bacteria scientists have thrown at it, including the antibiotic-resistant ‘superbugs’ plaguing hospitals and killing patients around the world.Professor Dee Carter is one of the research team that made the discovery. She said a compound in the honey called methylglyoxal is the key ingredient to the effectiveness of the honey. However, methylglyoxal on its own is toxic but when it combines with what are, as yet, unknown compounds it causes “multi-system failure” in bacteria.

Manuka Honey Unique to New Zealand

Honey bees collect nectar from Manuka bushes (also known as Tea Trees) which grow in remote areas of New Zealand. According to Manuka Health the discovery of the anti-bacterial properties of methylglyoxal was made by Professor Thomas Henle at the University of Dresden, Germany.The curative properties of various types of honey have been known to indigenous cultures for thousands of years, and dressing wounds with honey was common before the advent of antibiotics.Oh, my. I’ve noticed this on the shelves at various natural foods shops. Will be buying some tomorrow. read more..

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Gym Membership

Earlier today I went into a local gym...

To see if the manager was there and had read my application that I turned in the other week and noticed 99% of the people in there were all doing cardio. Treadmills, bikes, whatever else was in there. Then I looked over at the weights areas and didn’t see anyone. I don’t have a Gym Membership and have never even been to a real gym, but I pictured how weird it’d look, me being the little tiny girl pumping iron while everyone else is running. It made me giggle a little on the inside. How cute that’d be.     I missed class today to… go do a job thing which was a one time thing so I made up my lost work out at home for maybe about 40 minutes. I usually feel less motivated to do a lot when I’m at home, but I did the first half in my ugly backyard in the 65 degree warm winter weather, then went inside to finish when my neighbors dogs came out to bark at me. I started with jump rope, did a few workouts like push ups and bicycle crunches, lunges, then back to jump rope, and did that a few times between my other workouts. Did some more work with weights and tried to get in a lot more core workouts since I’ve been neglecting my abs and paying more attention to the little bumps forming on my arms. I tried doing a little bit of yoga but I didn’t feel like it so I did one Sun Salutation, a mix of a and b, with the warrior and without the seated position in b. Then stretched my legs, did camel, and drank the last half of my odwalla mango protein drink. Then I had an accident with my 2 day old expired (which I knew) vanilla chai drink and now I hope I don’t get sick from it (because I freak out over this stuff.)      Just thought I’d share. I don’t know why. Now going to clean up and stuff my face with food and shower in no particular order (but I’ll probably clean first). read more..

Leg Exercises

fitnessloveaffair:Get Your Best LegsFirst know that you can’t...

fitnessloveaffair:Get Your Best LegsFirst know that you can’t reduce fat in just one place. Your body takes a little bit of fat from everywhere, more or less in some places due to your genetics. Doing a ton of leg exercises isn’t necessarily going to make all that fat disappear, at least not by itself. We do these exercises to shape and tone the muscles so your legs have a great shape. If you aren’t eating healthy and doing cardio those sexy muscles are going to be hidden no matter how many squats you do. Gaining muscle helps, it increases the metabolism thus burning more calories, but you have to work the rest of your body and have a clean diet too.Try to do one video or pick five exercises and do 3 sets of 8-12 reps (or until you feel the burn) about 3-4 days a week. Do cardio 3-5 days a week too, it can be running, biking, swimming, Zumba, kickboxing, whatever gets your heart pounding and sweat dripping. You can combine strength workouts and cardio into the same day if you want. Make sure to eat protein after your workouts, it helps build muscle!These are, in my opinion, the best thigh and leg exercises and videos. I’ve included links to instructions for most of the exercises and a variety that you can do at home or at the gym. If you workout at home try to get some 8-10 lbs dumbbells, or get a backpack/duffel bag and fill it with heavy books to challenge yourself.If you have access to a gym try these machines & equipment:the leg/hamstring curl machine the leg press machine the leg abductor/adductor machines squats with a barbell and/or dumbbells barbell deadlifts  lunges with dumbbells bulgarian split squatIf you don’t have access to a gym try these exercises at home:wall squatsjump squats bridge/hip lifts (try them with your feet on a chair/bed) hip lifts on a balance ball (you’ll get an almost instant burn!)leg lifts inner thigh lifts the fire hydrant sumo squats suicidesThese are my favorite leg videos:Inner Thigh InsanitySlimmer Inner ThighsLegs & Thighs WorkoutItty Bitty BikiniLong Lean Legs WorkoutPOP Kicks KickboxingBikini Beach BumTone It Up Legs & Core read more..

Delicious Foods-Diet Foods

Try these delicious foods that will boost your metabolism and help you lose weig...

Try these Delicious Foods that will boost your metabolism and help you lose weight this spring:
Top 50 Spring Diet Foods for Weight Loss
These delicious spring foods boost metabolism. read more..

Water Bottles

Are you using the right water bottle for your workout? Find out which BPA-free w...

Are you using the right water bottle for your workout? Find out which BPA-free water bottle is best for you:
Best BPA-Free Water Bottles for Your Workout -
Get the best water bottles to complement your workout and help you stay hydrated so you can exercise longer. read more..

Steel Cut Oatmeal-Almond Milk-Breakfast

Don't forget about our #BreakfastStreak! How about Steel Cut Oatmeal? Nutritioni...

Don't forget about our #BreakfastStreak! How about Steel Cut Oatmeal? Nutritionist Keri Glassman says "Make the oatmeal with almond milk for added calcium". Tell us about your breakfast in the comments below!
Breakfast Streak: What WH Editors Eat For Breakfast | Women's Health...
Make sure you eat breakfast this morning! read more..

Cholesterol Levels-Health Officials

CDC: Cholesterol levels continue to drop

U.S. Health Officials say only 13 percent of U.S. adults have high total Cholesterol. That may seem incredible in a nation where two-thirds of adults are overweight. read more..

Calcium Consumption-Scientific Studies-Calcium Loss-Bone Health-Milk Myth

Debunking the Milk Myth: Why Milk is Bad for You and Your...

Debunking the Milk Myth: Why Milk is Bad for You and Your Bones -Excerpts from article linked above. Click the link or photo to read the full (interesting and informative) article. Also, I thought that photo was funny so I used it.

  • Milk Depletes the calcium from your bones. Not only do we barely absorb the calcium from cow’s milk (especially pasteurized), but it also increases calcium loss from the bones.
  • Cows milk is custom-designed for calves. Thanks to our creative ingenuity and perhaps related to our ancient survival needs, we adopted the dubious habit of drinking another species’ milk. Unlike humans, once calves are weaned, they never drink milk again. Each mammalian has it’s own “designer” milk, and cows’ milk is no exception.
    Cow’s milk contains on average three times the amount of protein than human milk which creates metabolic disturbances in humans that have detrimental bone health consequences.
  • Scientific studies show that milk increases fracture risk.  Many scientific studies contradict the conventional wisdom that milk and dairy consumption help reduce osteoporotic fractures. Surprisingly, studies demonstrating that milk and dairy products actually fail to protect bones from fractures outnumber studies that prove otherwise.
    The 12 year long Harvard Nurses’ Health Study found that those who consumed the most calcium from dairy foods broke more bones than those who rarely drank milk. This is a broad study based on 77,761 women aged 34 through 59 years of age.
  • Shocking statistics ignored by mainstream medicine. Amy Lanou Ph.D., nutrition director for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, D.C., states that: “The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are the ones where people drink the most milk and have the most calcium in their diets. The connection between calcium consumption and bone health is actually very weak, and the connection between dairy consumption and bone health is almost nonexistent.”
  • Milk is an acidifying animal protein. Like any other animal derived protein-rich food, milk has a positive potential renal acid load (PRAL) which triggers a protective biological reaction to neutralize all the damaging acidic protein before it reaches the kidneys.
    The body is designed for survival, so it sacrifices bone density to protect the kidneys and urinary tract because the latter are essential to survival. And the most readily available source of acid neutralizer is in the bones. So even though milk contains calcium, it ends up sapping your bones of that crucial mineral.
  • Today’s milk is a processed food. Until the end of the 19th century in Europe and the beginning of the 20th century in the US, milk was consumed unpasteurized or raw. Later on, homogenization became the industry’s standard. These processes further alter milk’s chemistry and actually increase its detrimental acidifying effects.
    Nowadays, milking cows are given antibiotics and most are also injected with a genetically engineered form of bovine growth hormone (rBGH). A man-made or synthetic hormone used to artificially increase milk production, rBGH also increases blood levels of the insulin-growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in those who drink it. And higher levels of IGF-1 are linked to several cancers.
read more..

Monday, 23 April 2012

Health Symptoms-Side Stitch-Head Pain

Could that side stitch be more serious than you think? Is that head pain normal?...

Could that side stitch be more serious than you think? Is that head pain normal? See 7 pains to never ignore:
7 Pains You Shouldn't Ignore -
These painful health symptoms could be indicators of an emergency like a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, or blood clot. Learn when to see a doctor with these tips. read more..

Suffering From Depression

Question: Is there someone suffering from depression in your life? Are they some...

Question: Is there someone suffering from Depression in your life? Are they sometimes difficult to deal with? Try these proven ways to support them. And please share any that work for you.
8 Ways You Can Help Someone With Depression
Follow these tips to support someone with depression. read more..