Monday, 30 April 2012

Controversial Topic-Dietary Needs

Hey, was wondering how many eggs do you think is ok to eat a week?

I read that eggs are a pretty controversial topic as far as health goes. I can’t really say for sure. I think it all depends on your dietary needs and how active you are. Also, whether you only eat the white’s or not. I’m just going to shoot a number in the dark and say 10. Though to me personally, it seems like a lot… I think it’s a good number. If you eat 2 a day for 5 days, and say you work out those 5 days… it’d work out. It also depends on whether you eat the whole egg or just the whites but I assume the whole egg since you didn’t state otherwise. Hope this helps.Too many eggs risky?
Are (chicken) eggs good or bad for my cholesterol?
Eggs and protein read more..

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