Sunday, 12 February 2012


Running doesn't require much investment in gear and accessories, but you have to...

Running doesn't require much investment in gear and accessories, but you have to have a good pair of running shoes. Unlike sneakers, running shoes are designed to help your foot strike the ground properly, reducing the amount of shock that travels up your leg. More beginner running tips: Running Tips for Beginners | Women's Health Magazineow.lyEvery beginner wonders about these things at some point read more..

'Real Cheese?' Don't count on front-of-the-box labels to avoid processed junk. H...

"Real Cheese?" Don't count on front-of-the-box labels to avoid processed junk. Here are red flag words to look for Guide to Deciphering Food Label Trickson.self.comMisleading health claims on food packaging can be confusing, redundant or just plain silly. To help you spend your grocery money wisely, we asked... read more..

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