Monday, 21 May 2012

School Aged Children-Hidden Population-Ill Parent-Fashion-Office

Are you caring for an ill parent? So is this 13-year-old and thousands of other...

Are you caring for an ill parent? So is this 13-year-old and thousands of other school aged children.
Help for a 'hidden population' of caregiving kids -
A group started by CNN Hero Connie Siskowski is helping the young people who must care for a sick, disabled or aging family member. read more..

It's casual Friday at! Are jeans a fashion 'do' at your office? Joi...

It's casual Friday at!
Are jeans a fashion 'do' at your Office? Join our live chat with Lauren Messiah Personal Stylist hand picked by Stacy London for Style for Hire at NOON EST today!
She'll answer all of your questions about dressing chic for summer on a budget! read more..

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