Tuesday, 28 August 2012

American Academy Of Pediatrics-Infant Male Circumcision-Mothers And Fathers-The Infection Rate

Pediatrics Group Says Circumcision Benefits Outweigh Risks, but Parents Must Decide

The American Academy of Pediatrics wants mothers and fathers to know that the Health Benefits of infant male circumcision outweigh the Risks of having the procedure. But the ultimate decision on the matter, the group says, should be up to the parents. read more..

Common nose implant has high infection rate: study

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Nose jobs done with a common type of plastic implant may have a higher complication rate than previously thought, researchers said Monday. As many as one in five nose jobs using Medpor, a product made from porous high-density polyethylene, led to infections in a new study. And in nearly all of those cases, the implant eventually started poking out through the surgical wound. "The infection rate was extremely high and startling," said Dr. Andrew Winkler, a plastic surgeon at the University of Colorado in Denver, who led the study. ... read more..

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