Sunday 19 February 2012

Processed Foods-Ingredients

Processed Foods. Think about it.

oatmealista:1) They are nutritionally deplete. This is especially true of all refined grains like white flour, white rice, instant oats, and other similar items. They’ve all had their natural fiber, vitamins and minerals stripped during the manufacturing process.2) They are made with ingredients that cause cancer, diabetes, brain damage and other disorders. These ingredients are called metabolic disruptors. They include sodium nitrate, hydrogenated oils (found in virtually all margarine products, shortening products and baked cookies or crackers), high fructose corn syrup (found in most soft drinks),aspartame (found in most diet foods and drinks), monosodium glutamate (a proven excitotoxin), homogenized milk fats and other similar ingredients. These ingredients are used to add color or flavor to foods, and they directly promote chronic, deadly diseases in the human body.3) They are dead. Simply put, all processed foods have had the life cooked out of them. They barely resemble foods from nature. They’ve been overprocessed, overcooked, preserved with chemicals, pasteurized, homogenized, and possibly even irradiated. For the corporations that produce them, they’re cheap to make, and the chemicals are addictive, making their revenue even higher, and you, sicker and sicker. read more..

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