Saturday, 4 February 2012

Satisfying Sex-Food Pyramid-Friendships-Routine

How healthy are your friendships? Take this short quiz to find out how your frie...

How healthy are your friendships? Take this short quiz to find out how your friends could be helping (or hurting!) your mind and body.Quiz: Do Your Friends Boost Your Health? - Prevention.com right friendships can improve health - but bad friends can actually make us unhealthy. Take our quiz to find out if your girlfriends are good friends. read more..

Integrating different types of sex into your regular routine can healthy, well-r...

Integrating different types of sex into your regular routine can healthy, well-rounded and satisfying sex life! sex pyramidon.self.comThe food pyramid? Yawn. The latest news is the sex pyramid. Learn why including different types of lovemaking in your romantic repertoire can help... read more..

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