Wednesday 7 March 2012

Cold Winter-Nails-Hair-Skin-Food

How often do you reach for food, thinking you're hungry when you're really not?...

How often do you reach for food, thinking you're hungry when you're really not? How can you tell the difference? to Know if You're Really Hungry: Healthy SELFon.self.comSELF Magazine: fashion, beauty, health, sex advice, news read more..

Just like your skin and hair, nails can be drier and more brittle in these cold...

Just like your Skin and hair, Nails can be drier and more brittle in these cold winter months. Here are a few easy tips to help you get healthier nails that will last throughout the year. Tips For Stronger, Healthier Nailswww.self.comSELF Magazine: fashion, beauty, health, sex advice, news read more..

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