Saturday, 21 April 2012

YOUR STOMACH SHOULDN'T BE A WASTE BASKET: An engine will only run right if given...

YOUR STOMACH SHOULDN'T BE A WASTE BASKET: An engine will only run right if given...

YOUR STOMACH SHOULDN'T BE A WASTE BASKET: An engine will only run right if given proper fuel. Put something in that it isn’t designed for and it will either run poorly, or not run at all. Our bodies are like that. Everyone knows, you have to eat to live. However, we shouldn’t just eat anything. A wastebasket is where you put junk. This should not be your stomach. Nutrition is extremely important if you are hoping to perform well. It is no surprise that a proper diet is linked to better performance and better health. Have you ever heard the saying you are what you eat?? Think about that, If you put trash into your body and are inconsistent with proper nutrition, you will develop serious health problems, you might lose sleep, have lack of energy, get depressed, gain weight and the list could go on and on....It is very rightly said don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork !!!!!!!!! read more..

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