Saturday, 30 June 2012

do you know of any ways I could get my hair to grow a little faster? yours is so long and beautiful but you probably didn't have to do anything for it

do you know of any ways I could get my hair to grow a little faster? yours is so long and beautiful but you probably didn't have to do anything for it

Thank you! Yes, I do know how! Actually, that’s exactly what I did. Nothing specifically. Let me tell you a story first. Up until the summer after 11th grade (2010), I used heat on my hair daily, I rarely used anything to protect it, I washed it 2-3 times a week, I rarely ate healthy. And yet, I always wondered why it grew a half an inch a year, if that. I wanted it to grow, and it never would. I actually had long hair at the start of high school and someone chopped it off, and this is the first time my hair has been so long. So anyway, It was summer break, I was growing out my shoulder length (sat on them - there’s a photo in the link below), bright red hair. I stopped using heat completely and it began to grow a bit. By the time I graduated, my hair had grown a few inches or so but was still pretty short. Then I started to eat healthy, exercise, and since my hair was getting longer, so I began to braid it before bed. Also, I never brush it while wet. You’ll read all about that in the link. I don’t explain the braiding but I do that so it doesn’t tangle in my sleep and there are no knots breaking and ripping my hair out in the morning. I have used the blow dryer a few times in the last 2 years, but haven’t touched my straightener. So since I started growing it out, it’s grown about 9 inches, and I’ve gotten it trimmed every time it needs to be. SO… That story seemed a bit unnecessary, but hopefully convincing enough to show you that simply taking care of yourself goes a long way. If you skipped it, that’s okay, it was boring. Here is the link to my original post about hair growth from last year. I will also reblog it. read more..

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