Saturday 9 June 2012

Isabelle Caro-Anorexia

healthylivingforyou:The picture is of Isabelle Caro, a French...

healthylivingforyou:The picture is of Isabelle Caro, a French model who died at the age of 28 trying to recover from anorexia. She spent the later years of her life trying to promote health and campaign against anorexia, and wrote a book called, “The Girl Who Refused To Grow Fat”, an autobiography discussing the origins of her disease and her struggles to recover.Pro-ana blogs need to be banned. It is not wrong to have a disorder, but it is wrong to help others become anorexic or bulimic, when they could otherwise live a normal life. It is normal to be self-conscious about one’s body, but these feelings have started to emerge in girls at a very young age. These girls deserve to enjoy their childhood. There’s no reason they should be so concerned about their bodies to the point of near death.Promote health by reblogging this. We can help those already with the disease recover and prevent those who are at risk from getting it.YES. As I’ve said before, I AM here for those of you wanting to recover and AM here for those of you at risk. read more..

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