Friday 8 June 2012

Measles Vaccination-Immunization Record-Measles Vaccine

Travelling to Europe? Ensure your Measles Vaccinations are up-to-date

Planning a European vacation this summer? If so, then ensure that your measles vaccination is up to date. There is an ongoing outbreak of measles in Europe which poses a risk to travellers who are not properly immunized, especially when in crowded spaces such as airplanes or sporting events. Immunization is the safest and most effective way to prevent measles and its serious complications.  Talk to your doctor at least six weeks before travelling to ensure that you and your family have had the recommended two doses of the measles vaccine.Measles is a very contagious disease that is easily spread by coughing and sneezing. Symptoms start with a high fever, runny nose, red eyes and a cough followed by a red rash that starts on the face and head, and can spread to the rest of the body. A person with measles can infect others during the four days before and the four days after the rash appears. Measles can cause complications such as an ear infection, an infection of the brain, pneumonia and even death.For more info visit: Remember to contact Ottawa Public Health each time your child receives a vaccination to update their immunization record. You can update your child’s immunization information online at or by calling Ottawa Public Health at 613-580-6744, extension 24108. read more..

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