Monday, 23 July 2012

Dirty Little Secrets-Weight Equipment-Community Health-Rhinoviruses-Gyms

In Washington, free HIV-AIDS testing while you wait

Faced with the highest HIV-AIDS rates in the United States, community health activists in the nation's capital have come up with a novel way for people to save their own lives while killing time. read more..

Eww: One study found that three-fourths of weight equipment in gyms was contamin...

Eww: One study found that three-fourths of weight equipment in Gyms was contaminated with cold-causing rhinoviruses, and even wiping surfaces down twice didn't completely nix germs. Read on if you dare:
Your Gym's Dirty Little Secrets
Before you re-up for another year, there's a thing or two you should know about health clubs. (Hint: We're using that term loosely.) read more..

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