Friday, 27 July 2012

President Barack Obama-Medicaid Expansion-Man Cured Of Aids-Longevity Crown-Medical Journal

AIDS Conference Update: Man Cured of AIDS, Teens Engaging in Risky Business

Rare documented cases of HIV-positive people who no longer have the virus have given some health experts hope that an HIV cure is possible. read more..

Study: New Medicaid expansion could be a lifesaver

States that expand their Medicaid programs under President Barack Obama's health care law may end up saving thousands of lives, a medical journal report released Wednesday indicates. read more..

Japanese women lose longevity crown after 2011 disaster

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese women lost their longevity crown last year after 26 years at the top of world life expectancy rankings, the government said on Thursday, blaming the 2011 earthquake and tsunami for the drop. The health and labor ministry said the disaster, which left nearly 20,000 dead or missing, was mainly behind a decline in average lifespan by 0.4 years to 85.90 years. That put Japanese women behind Hong Kong, in the top spot with 86.7 years. The ministry said a rise in the number of suicides last year also contributed to the decline. For men, average life expectancy fell 0. ... read more..

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