Saturday, 21 January 2012

Health Problems-Junk Food-Obesity

OBESITY "HEALTH: Obesity today has grown in numbers and continues to grow at...

OBESITY & HEALTH: Obesity today has grown in numbers and continues to grow at an alarming rate. From children to old people, all have adapted a sedentary style of life that requires minimum physical movement. Another factor that contributes obesity is the consumption of food high in fat content.... tinned preserved food has replaced the healthy home cooked food. The main reason for this is the busy schedule that do not permit us to cook fresh food. People literally live on junk food or ready to eat meals. The fresh fruits & vegetables have been replaced by burgers, ice creams, chocolates, non-veg pizzas & carbonated drinks etc. An obese person also runs a high risk of having serious diseases like heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, joint problems, breathing problems, cancer & gall stone etc, thus making it amply evident that these days most of the health problems are more or less related to excess weight of a person. It is very important to get rid of extra weight to remain away from fatal diseases. BALANCED DIET IS NO LONGER AN OPTION BUT A NEED.... NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS BEING THIN FEELS. To know how much overweight you are and for FREE body composition analysis, visit the following link read more..

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